Non-Alberta license for tourists and visitors
A person visiting Alberta who is authorized to drive a motor vehicle of a particular class or type under a valid licence or permit issued outside Alberta is not required to hold a current and valid driver’s licence if the person drives the same type or class of motor vehicle while visiting in Alberta.
New Alberta residents From other places in Canada
People who have recently moved to Alberta may use their valid driver’s licence from outside of Alberta for the first 90 days of their residency. They must apply for an Alberta driver’s licence and give their old licence to an Alberta registry agent office within those 90 days. It is illegal to hold more than one driver’s licence. A driver’s licence from another jurisdiction within Canada is accepted as the same class without testing. Applicants for class 1, 2 or 4 licences must provide a medical report and pass a vision screening.
Driving in Alberta
Frank Driving School
- Get your driver licence
- Driving safely
- Insurance
- Dealing with accident
Part 1 - Licensing
- Read and understand DRIVER'S GUIDE
- Practice questions
- Courses
- Take knowledge test
- 30 multiple choice questions
- Language options
- 25 correct answers - Pass
Obtain class 5 licence.JPG)
Driver education
Practice with parents/friends
Book road test (plan earlier)
Training before the road test
Pass road test
ROAD TEST (Class 5)
Basic Road Test
45 minutes
Advanced Road Test
60 minutes
ROAD TEST (Class 5)
Instant fails
Right-of-way violation
Traffic light violation
Stop sign violation
Speeding violation
Climbs over curb
Lacks caution at Uncontrolled intersection
Obstructs traffic
Unsafe action
Automatic Fails
Stop Sign Violation
• Rolling stop / No stop at a stop sign
ROAD TEST (Class 5)
Points (examples, 75 Maximum)
Blocking stop line/intersection/crosswalk - (10)
No signal - (10)
Turns wide / cut corner - (5)
Driving too fast - (10)
Driving too slow - (10)
Part 2 - Driving Safely
Driving Safely - follow the rules
Stop sign violation -Crash
Driving Safely - follow the rules
Stop sign violation -Crash

Driving Safely - follow the rules
Red light violation -Crash
Driving Safely - follow the rules
Traffic Ticket
How much is the fine?
Stop sign violation =?
Red light violation =?
Fails to yield to pedestrians =?
Driving Safely - follow the rules
Traffic Ticket
How much is the fine?
Stop sign violation $388
Red light violation $388
Fails to yield to pedestrians $750
Driving Safely - Criminal Charge
Criminal charge
Drink and drive
Hit and run
And more
Driving Safely - Winter
Vehicles piling up
Part 3 - Insurance
Part 4 - Accident
Thank You !